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CBD Online Store signs with Rollies Hemp
The CBD Online Store adds another brand, Rollies Hemp, to their premier hemp smokes lineup 9/1/2021 - As a testament to providing the best CBD products to its customers, the CBD Online Store signs with Rollies to provide high-quality CBD cigarettes and hemp smokes at affordable prices. “When we are approached by Rollies , I knew from the beginning that I wanted them in our store.” Says Haz Aladdin, founder of the CBD Online Store. “Moreover, when we tried the products, we were hooked. The quality of the hemp smokes were well beyond any other brands that approached us, so we were sure they would be a hit with our customers.” Rollies has an excellent reputation in the industry for their attention to quality during the manufacturing process. Their CBD cigarettes come in cherry or natural flavors, while their hemp rolls come in natural, cherry, menthol, and grape. These excellent products contain no nicotine and no tobacco, so are a natural alternative to traditional cigaret...
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